Nintendo announces release of Metroid Prime 4

If it was thought that the Civilization fans had a bad wait, the Metroid fans have been going 17 years without a new 3D game. And sure, Metroid Dread was great, and we got a remake of Prime 1 on the Switch last year, but the wait was painful, especially with with knowing a new game was coming since 2017.

Today though, we finally got it. Nintendo released a trailer of the upcoming game, called Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, which will be coming out in 2025. Now, what does that mean? I don’t know, we’re still only in June, so we could have a year and a half wait on our hands. But it’s nice to finally get some news on something that was almost starting to feel forgotten about. And watching the trailer, which has a bit over a minute of gameplay in it, I’m really feeling the excitement. It’s definitely in the Prime vibe, I can tell it’s coming from the same mould. Hopefully not too much, it almost looks to me like it’s just an older game being played, but we’ll have to decide that when we get more info. And…is that a metroid working alongside Space Pirates? Without killing them? I’m hitting phazon-high levels of excitement here, especially with the news that it’s a Switch game and we won’t be needing a new console for it.

How about you? Are you a Metroid fan? How ready are you for 2025 to finally come? Tell is in the comments below, or head over to Facebook!

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